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You should intern at Nestle IT, here's why

You Should Intern at Nestlé IT: Here's Why

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Meet our interns: Andrea and Marisol. They work out of our Mexico City Hub in HR and Change Management, respectively. At Nestlé IT, we offer internships, apprenticeships, and trainee programs to help young professionals build their skill set and discover what they are passionate about. Hear from our interns what their experience at Nestlé IT has been like, and why you should consider an early career opportunity with us.


How did you hear about Nestlé IT’s internship program?

Andrea – I have access to a job board through my university, and when I saw the HR Internship role I decided to apply. The application process was fast, and the next day I was contacted for an interview with the hiring team.


Marisol – I found the Change Management Internship opportunity on the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) career site and applied since the position aligned with my educational background.


What made you decide to intern with Nestlé IT? Or, what specifically stuck out to you about Nestlé IT when making your decision on where to intern?

Andrea – I was looking for a role that would give me international exposure and a unique experience while also enabling me to build strong connections. I did not have prior IT experience, but I learned quickly and wanted to explore a new industry.


Marisol – Learning that the Nestlé IT Mexico City Hub was brand new was really enticing to me. When I accepted my offer, I was eager to work with my team and make the most out of our new space.


Tell us about the responsibilities of your role.

Andrea – My day-to-day varies, but in general I help manage the onboarding process for new Nestlé IT employees. I work closely with business partners and stakeholders to ensure sure onboarding is a smooth process. I’m also working on a recognition project with the other interns for the Mexico City Hub, and the goal of our project is to help employees feel appreciated, motivated, and included.


Marisol – The majority of my tasks are related to administrative duties like managing platform licenses and locker assignments on site. I have two larger responsibilities which include the recognition project and our partnership with GoFluent, a language learning platform.


What’s the coolest project you’ve been a part of so far, why?

Andrea – The recognition project; My hope is that Nestlé IT employees feel empowered to recognize the work that one another is doing, and that those recognized feel valued.


Marisol – GoFluent; I solely own the communication strategy and all processes involved, like assigning licenses. I realized many employees have an account or license with GoFluent, but they were not utilizing the license to its capacity. So, I created an internal communications plan to talk about the benefits of using GoFluent and started calling out high-usage individuals to hopefully inspire others to increase their usage as well.


What have you enjoyed most throughout your internship? OR What is the most unique aspect of  Nestlé IT?

Andrea (pictured right) – The ability to build and cultivate my network on a global scale.


Marisol – The people and environment at Nestlé IT is especially unique and worth celebrating. I also appreciate how management encourages and supports career development.


Did you have a technical background prior to your internship? If not, what was your formal background and how did that prepare you for your internship?

Andrea – I did not have a background in technology prior to my internship; however, I reviewed all resources available to me when I first started, asked questions when I didn’t understand something, and was motivated to excel in my position.  


Marisol – My selected career path is business strategy, so although I didn’t have an IT background, I felt comfortable coming into my role knowing that I would be running strategy and managing administrative tasks.


Mentoring is a primary piece to developing our employees. Tell us about the most valuable feedback you've been given so far at Nestlé IT and how this will help you in your career development.

Andrea – The most valuable advice I have received is to ask questions when anything is unclear and to learn the most that I can.


Marisol (pictured right) – I was having a hard time staying organized and on top of my projects when I first began my internship. Luckily, my manager shared various organizational methods and tips with me to ensure tasks were getting completed in a timely manner, and this has helped me significantly.


Is this internship what you expected it to be? If not, how is it different?

Andrea – I expected that because I would be an intern, I wouldn’t feel as valued or as important. However, the reality is people care about me, they care about my role, and I feel like I’m a part of something bigger.


Marisol – When I first joined the team, I thought that I would be given a pile of tasks without direction or guidance, but my team and management have done a tremendous job in walking me through best practices and explaining processes.


What advice would you give to other students considering an internship with Nestlé IT or in IT/IS?

Andrea – While networking is important, I’d give the same advice my mentors have given me – ask questions. When you don’t have the answers or don’t understand something, ask! Take advantage of the resources and connections available.


Marisol – My advice is to come intern at Nestlé IT and try something new. The people here are kind, supportive, and recognize that an employee is more than an employee. Work-life balance is valued here.


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