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man working on machine in wareshouse

Excelling Through Our Maintenance Mentorship Program

Our People
man working on machine in wareshouse

Cody M. | Mechanic, Fort Dodge 

At Nestlé Purina, we have a strong commitment to supporting young careerists in gaining work experience to strengthen their professional development skills. Many of these efforts support our larger Nestlé Needs YOU initiative which focuses on providing youth access to resources for all phases of their career journey: from exploration and education to paid, on-the-job experiences, regardless of their field or level of expertise.

At the core of Nestlé Needs You is its commitment to train a new group of highly skilled workers by providing readiness for work activities, internships, trainee and apprenticeship opportunities, thus enhancing the ‘employability’ of people in the workforce, people like Cody M., - a Mechanic in our Fort Dodge facility. 


How long have you been with Nestlé Purina? Describe your current role. 

I’ve been with the company almost 7 years. I was selected for the Maintenance Mentorship Program, so I currently spend a half day at a local community college in class and the other half (usually 20 hours a week) at work. I get to job shadow in areas that I’m learning about in school. This semester is mostly electrical studies, so I job shadow and am allowed some hands on, independent work experiences installing newer systems and troubleshooting older ones. 




What did you do prior to Nestlé Purina? And how did you find your opportunity here? 

Before joining NPPC, I was a restaurant manager. I learned about the opportunity through family – my dad works here as a mechanic and I wanted to find a career that was more hands on. 


What excites you most about your job? What motivates you to succeed? 

I enjoy doing something different every day. I never know what will happen until it happens. I’m motivated to do a good job which means there’s less stress on the production employee. I prefer to do the job right the first time. 


How do you empower your colleagues and teams at Nestlé Purina? 

I try to motivate others to have a positive attitude and know that there are always opportunities to grow within their role, or beyond it. 


What is your leadership style? Describe how you lead teams. 

I try to have as much knowledge on the subject as I can. I also rely on people within the team to have expertise on the subject. 


Why is it important to have programs in place that foster career readiness and development? 

The world is changing. There’s new technology and it’s easy to have tunnel vision or to stay within your comfort zone. Career development allows me to sharpen my skill set through formal education and job shadowing, like touring other facilities, for example – I get to break out of the box and bring new ideas back to work. 


How did the Maintenance Mentorship Program help in your own career development and goals? 

I have always wanted to study maintenance/electricity and instrumentation. I’m grateful for the opportunity to receive both formal training as well as hands on experience to make that dream a reality. 


What do you do to bring "Good Food, Good Life" to the local community? 

I try to promote Nestlé Purina outside of the workplace, through informal recruitment. I want to share the opportunities that have been given to me and let people know they're there for them as well. 


Rapid Fire— 


Favorite Nestlé moment or memory? 

Last year, I had the opportunity through our TPM project to work side by side with my dad. It was neat to use our combined knowledge to resolve issues. 


Favorite Nestlé product? 

Oh Henry! 


Favorite Nestlé slogan? 

"Your Pet, Our Passion." 


What's in your pantry and fridge right now? 

Pure Life Water, Jack’s Pizzas, Gerber products.